Wednesday, October 27, 2010

'Meeting' partners (on the Internet website)

Today Polish students familiarized themselves with the project, which is located on the Internet website, they saw pictures of their partners - children in Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Besides they recognized animals sounds. Also they recorded their voices on the dictaphone, they introduced and talked about their favorite animals in English language. The recordings will be placed in a presentation (Polish Digital Album) in which each child formed a slide -you wi
ll be to see it soon on the project site.

Na dzisiejszych zajęciach uczniowie zapoznali się ze stroną projektu, która znajduje się w internecie, oglą
dali zdjęcia swoich partnerów dzieci z Turcji i Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii. Poza tym rozpoznawali zwierzęta po ich odgłosach. Również nagrywali swoje głosy na dyktafon, przedstawiali się i mówili o swoich ulubionych zwierzętach w języku angielskim. Nagrania zostaną umieszczone w prezentacji, w której każde dziecko utworzyło jeden slajd o sobie- będzie można wkrótce obejrzeć
ją w całości na stronie projektu.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Preparation of the Easel

After discussing, we brought our pictures and wrote about them. We wanted everybody in the school to learn about our project and know our animals.

Our Workshop

Our students have started to write about their animals which they look after in their houses. And took their pictures.
We started our project with a meeting and we discussed these,how they take care of their pets.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Visit in the Kennels in Bydgoszcz (Poland)

A visit to the kennels. Today We visited the dogs and cats that found their house in the kennels. Children took food, blankets and toys for dogs and cats. They conducted interview with experts, we had answers to their questions. Polish children want to take home every animals...

Wizyta w schronisku. Dziś odwiedziliśmy psy i koty, które znalazły dom w schronisku. Dzieci zaniosły zwierzętom pokarm, koce i zabawki. Przeprowadziliśmy wywiad z ekspertami, uzyskaliśmy odpowiedzi na nurtujące nas pytania. Wszystkie zwierzaki chętnie zabralibyśmy do domu...

Monday, October 18, 2010

We carried out a science investigation to see what food snails like to eat.
We tested carrots, dead leaves, apple and tomato.

We waited to see which piece of food the snail moved towards. Most of the snails preferred the apple but some preferred the tomato.

The English children wrote down what they know about animals and what they would like to find out and pinned it on a display.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Second lesson- our stories about animals

Last Tuesday, children wrote their stories about the animals and drew them. Some of them were funny others sad, we learnt more about our experiences with animals.

We wtorek, dzieci pisały swoje historie na temat zwierząt i rysowały je. Niektóre z nich były zabawne inne smutne, dowiedzieliśmy się więcej o naszych przeżyciach związanych ze zwierzętami.

Our works:

Nasze prace:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Polish children started the project work

Polish children made a brainstorm about
ANIMALS and now they know what they would like to explore...

„Burza mózgu” na temat „ zwierzęta"- tworzenie siatki pytań dotyczących tematu, próby formułowania hipotez badawczych.

My favourite animal

Animals are very popular among the children. Many of us have an animal at home, but does anyone know how to care for it? In this project we want to realize children that having a pet involves responsibility and work that can not be neglected. Besides, we learn many interesting facts about animals and what they need for a happy life by our side.